Steven Dubinett earned his medical degree from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, followed by his residency in internal medicine at UCLA and fellowships in pulmonary medicine and tumor immunology at Massachusetts General Hospital. While in the Department of Pathology at MGH, he helped lead the first clinical trial using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes to treat patients with cancer. After joining the UCLA faculty in 1988, he began his research program focusing on understanding why lung cancer patients were not responding to immunotherapy. He has received uninterrupted peer-reviewed federal funding for translational lung cancer research for more than 30 years.  Building on original discoveries relevant to immunity and inflammation in the pathogenesis of lung cancer, he has developed a translational research program, which now utilizes these laboratory-based discoveries in the translational research and clinical environment. At the UCLA CTSI, he has been leading the development of research infrastructure supporting the translation of UCLA biomedical discoveries into medical products and health interventions. He also has helped develop programs to mentor junior scientists and increase grant funding, with results: 3,000 researchers who received CTSI support have produced nearly 4,500 publications and received extramural awards totaling $1.3 billion since 2011. He was instrumental in developing UC Biomedical Research Acceleration, Integration, and Development (UC BRAID), which promotes collaborations across the UC academic biomedical campuses. He was named Dean of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA on June 5, 2023.